Florihana Essential Oils Review
Florihana essential oils are amazing. They create high-quality, affordable essential oils. Read this Florihana essential oils review to learn more!

Florihana Essential Oils Review
Essential oils are amazing! I’ve been able to eliminate so many of the toxic chemicals in my home because of them. And every day I’m discovering more and more uses for them.
But one thing I don’t really like about essential oils or I guess you could say the “essential oil community” is all the arguments that take place over which essential oil company is best.
(This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure statement here.)
I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before using essential oils on children under 5 or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Please do not ask me for medical advice. Click here to read my full disclaimer.
I used to be a Young Living member and to be honest, I did believe their oils were the best. I’m not going to get into all the reasons why I believed that.
But part of it was because prior to trying Young Living I had only used cheap oils from Amazon and the grocery store which more than likely were synthetic.
So when I tried Young Living essential oils I was kind of blown away. They were amazing and I still think their oils are amazing. I just no longer believe they’re the only amazing oils out there.
I had been using Young Living oils for over a year and as oils were becoming more and more a part of my life I felt like I was spending a fortune on them.
So I started researching other essential oil companies and I discovered Florihana essential oils.
And after researching Florihana as a company and trying their oils I was really shocked that not very many people were aware of this company.
It seems like every blog or Instagram post is about DoTerra or Young Living. So I wanted to share why I think Florihana is amazing and why I think you should give them a try.
Before I do though, I feel like I need to give this quick disclaimer.
I don’t believe Florihana is the best essential oil company. I don’t believe that company exists.
Related: The Best Essential Oils For Sleep
I believe there are many amazing essential oil companies and each has its pros and cons.
I still use my Young Living oils. I also use Eden’s Garden, Simply Earth, and Plant Therapy. I’m not loyal to just one brand anymore.
But I wanted to specifically share about Florihana because there is not a lot of talk about them and they’re too awesome not to talk about and extremely affordable as well!
History of Florihana Essential Oils
Florihana was created in 1993. The first part of the word Florihana comes from the French adjective “floral “which means “of the flower”.
The second part comes from the Japanese word “Hana” (はな/花/ハナ) which means flower.
Florihana owns and operates its own distillery. The Florihana distillery is located in the French region of Provence.
Why Florihana Essential Oils are Amazing
1 | Plants Are Harvested From Indigenous Locations
Florihana owns a 25-acre organic farm. Some of their plant sources come directly from their own fields, such as wild lavender, thyme, and savory.
These plant sources grow in harmony with the ecosystems that are native to plants.
For other plant sources, Florihana purchases them from organic sources around the world, in places where those plants are native to the ecosystem.
They do not have a huge plantation where herbs and plants are cultivated in a mono-crop mass-production farming operation.
2 | Plants are Organic Whenever Possible
Florihana offers almost exclusively organic products that meet the specific standards recognized by the international community.
And the only reason I say “whenever possible” is because some plants are wild-crafted.
Wild-crafted refers to plants gathered from the wild that are grown in their natural environment and harvested without the use of chemicals.
These plants just haven’t been “certified” organic.
3 | Their Distillation Process
The Florihana distillery has developed a highly innovative technology called “flash détente”. There is no other process like it in the world of aromatherapy and cosmetics.
They perform steam distillations at very low temperatures.
The volatile elements are driven to much lower temperatures than their boiling point, which prevents their decomposition and helps maintain the characteristics of molecules very similar to those produced by plants.
4 | Their Oils are Completely Unadulterated
Florihana essential oils are 100% pure and not adulterated in any way and they have tests to prove it. More about that is below.
Florihana essential oils are also “therapeutic grade”. Which by the way is a term coined by certain essential oil companies in the United States.
Therapeutic grade is not an internationally defined term and there are not any independent third-party certification organizations certifying essential oils as “therapeutic grade”.
Most of the time “therapeutic grade” is a term used to distinguish pure essential oils made from plant extracts, particularly through the distillation method.
Pure essential oils are completely natural and cannot be patented. Therefore, in the United States, there are currently no essential oils that have been approved for “therapeutic” claims.
5 | They Provide GC/MS Testing Reports
They do third-party GC/MS batch testing on all of their essential oils and provide the results on their product pages.
You can also download all certificates and datasheets for each essential oil. Young Living does not release its GC/MS reports to the public.
Also, the Florihana distillery is equipped with SAP software to ensure optimal traceability. From distillation to delivery, all steps are clearly defined and controlled by 2D barcodes.
They also guarantee the traceability of each product thanks to the batch numbers written on the label and on all invoices.
6 | The Effectiveness of Their Oils
My essential oil collection is filled with all different brands of essential oils. But I’m constantly reaching for my Florihana oils.
And that’s because they’re amazing. Their oils are very potent and highly effective.
7 | Their Oils are Extremely Affordable
You would think that due to all the facts listed above that Florihana essential oils would be super expensive, especially considering the price of Young Living and DoTerra oils.
But they’re not.
They’re actually extremely affordable. With Florihana there are no “middlemen” or network marketing structures in place, so they are able to offer high-quality essential oils at affordable prices.
Related: The Best Essential Oils For Beginners
Florihana vs Young Living
Just to give you an example of the price difference, a 15ml bottle of Frankincense from Young Living is $136.84 retail and $104 wholesale.
The same exact Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) sold by Florihana for the same exact size 15g (15ml and 15g are the same sizes) is only $30.48.
That is a huge difference! DoTerra’s wholesale price for the same size bottle is $78.
Here’s another example – A 15ml bottle of peppermint from Young Living will cost you around $30. It will cost about the same with Doterra. The same size bottle from Florihana costs $13!!!
And here’s one more – tea tree oil will cost you over $30 with Young Living or DoTerra. If you purchase from Florihana it will cost you around $10 instead.
Not all of Florihana’s essential oils are cheaper though. Some are equal to Young Living’s wholesale price.
But I personally would still choose Florihana in most cases due to the facts mentioned above in regard to the company and the quality of their oils.
8 | Their Oils are Labeled and Bottled Properly
Their essential oil labels include their common name as well as their Latin botanical name. The essential oil labels also include safety information.
Florihana oils are bottled in glass amber bottles which prevent the oils from being exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
Their essential oil bottles also include child-proof caps which very few other essential oil brands include.
Florihana Essential Oils are Not Perfect
With all of that being said I just want to quickly clarify, Florihana essential oils are not perfect. There are a few things I dislike about the company.
Florihana does not create or sell blends. Essential oil blends are one of the reasons I still use Young Living oils from time to time. I love their blends!
Eden’s Garden and Plant Therapy also have awesome blends. I’m hoping one day in the future Florihana will create custom blends because I know if they do they will be AMAZING!
For now, besides buying blends from other brands, I also make my own blends using Florihana oils. You can check out my custom wellness blend here.
It’s similar to Young Living’s Thieves blend. Everyone who tries it absolutely loves it!
(Update: Since originally writing this post Florihana has begun selling custom essential oil blends.)
And as I mentioned earlier, not all of their oils are significantly cheaper. Some are priced similarly to Young Living and DoTerra oils.
But based on the reputation of the company and the quality of their oils I believe their prices are very fair.
Another downside to Florihana is that they don’t carry every variety and type of essential oil. There have been times when I had to buy an oil from a different brand because Florihana didn’t have it available or it was sold out.
And lastly, their essential oil bottles can be a little difficult to open. They’re childproof, which is a very good thing but they can sometimes even be adult-proof.
You just have to push down on the cap and twist. The first time can be a little hard to open but after you get it open the first time it’s not hard at all.
Where to Buy Florihana Oils
Florihana essential oils can be purchased directly from Florihana. But since the oils will be shipped directly from France the shipping costs are very high. But if you spend $100 or more shipping is free.
If you’re in the United States, keep in mind shipping times will be long since it’s being shipped from another country.
Where to Buy Florihana Oils in the USA
Florihana essential oils can also be purchased in the U.S. from HealthyTraditions.com. This is where I usually purchase from.
Shipping costs are between $5-$8. If you spend over $100 shipping is usually free.
If you’re a first-time customer and you subscribe to their newsletter you can get $5 off and free shipping on orders of $49 or more.
Shipping is also a lot faster when you purchase from Healthy Traditions rather than internationally from Florihana directly.
Plus, they often run free shipping promos and buy-one-get-one-free sales that they will notify you about once you subscribe to their newsletter.
They also sell many other natural health and wellness products. Click here to check them out!
Related: What are Essential Oils & How Do They Work?
Can You Buy Florihana Essential Oils on Amazon?
Florihana oils are currently not available to purchase on Amazon. At this time you can only purchase Florihana oils from Healthy Traditions or from Florihana directly.
I know Amazon makes purchasing items convenient because of their super fast shipping times but Florihana oils are far superior to most of the oils available on Amazon.
And they are well worth the wait!
Florihana Promo Code
To my knowledge, there are rarely any Florihana promo codes available. Although, to be honest, I’m okay with that because their regular, everyday prices are amazing.
But as I mentioned earlier, sometimes Healthy Traditions has buy-one-get-one-free sales and they also have free shipping from time to time which can help you save money on your essential oils.
So make sure you visit their website and subscribe to their email list.
Is Florihana a Good Brand?
Florihana isn’t just a good brand they are an amazing brand! They are not out to make a huge name for themselves or make millions of dollars. They are simply out to make high-quality, pure essential oils.
It seems like every month a new essential oil company is created. And don’t get me wrong, I think that it is great that essential oils have become more mainstream.
But essential oils also have become a big money maker and I don’t believe all essential oil companies have good intentions.
There are tons of essential oil brands on Amazon that are total crap. Excuse my language but it’s true. These brands don’t give a you know what about your health or well-being.
Most of the oils on Amazon I wouldn’t use even if you paid me. Fake or synthetic essential oils are actually very dangerous for your health.
Many of these essential oil companies are simply out to make a quick buck and most likely many of these brands won’t be around 2 or 3 years from now.
Florihana essential oils on the other hand are an established company that has not waivered from its original purpose.
What I Love About Florihana
So as you can see Florihana is an amazing essential oil company. I created a post all about how to choose an essential oil brand and Florihana meets every bit of the criteria in that post.
So to sum it up quickly here’s why I love Florihana and I think you should give them a try:
- Amazing prices
- High-quality, pure oils
- GC/MS testing reports supporting their claims
- Plants are ethically sourced and harvested
- No pressure to place monthly orders
- No pressure to sell oils
- Their oils WORK
I have used many different brands of essential oils. I was a Young Living member for years and Florihana oils work just as well if not better.
I know it’s hard to believe that you can get high-quality oils at affordable prices. Especially, if you are like I was and are spending a ton of money on oils that claim to be superior.
But believe me, as someone who has been there, these oils are the real deal. Instead of questioning why Florihana oils are so cheap you should be questioning why some essential oil company’s oils are so expensive.
Don’t get me wrong. Some essential oils are expensive.
I’ve heard it takes about 242,000 rose petals to distill approximately 5 ml of rose oil. And around 3 pounds of lavender flowers to distill just 15ml of lavender essential oil.
This is why some essential oils can be very pricey.
If you see a bottle of rose essential oil for $10 on Amazon that is a red flag that it is a fake essential oil.
But there is a big difference between an oil being expensive because of the amount of money it costs to harvest and distill it, versus it being super expensive because of a huge markup for profit.
Which, unfortunately, I believe is the case for a lot of the more expensive essential oil brands.
Would I Recommend Florihana?
I absolutely would recommend Florihana essential oils to anyone looking for high-quality, 100% pure essential oils that work. I’m so glad I gave them a try.
Not only have they helped me to live a healthier, toxin-free life but they’ve also helped me save a lot of money.
It still blows my mind how affordable their oils are!
I hope this Florihana essential oils review helps you realize that high-quality, amazing oils don’t have to cost a fortune.
If you have any questions about Florihana or about essential oils in general please leave them in the comments below!
Learn More About Essential Oils
- Fake Essential Oil Brands You Should Avoid
- Simply Earth Essential Oils Review
- Revive Essential Oils Review
- Plant Therapy Essential Oils Review
- Rocky Mountain Essential Oils Review
- Far & Wild Essential Oils Review
- Edens Garden Essential Oils Review
- The Best non-MLM Essential Oil Brands
- The Best Essential Oil Recipes for Roller Bottles
Can ingest these oils?
Hi Bee! You really need to study more into essential oils and not just take what your upline informs you. There are many reputable books about essential oils. Educate yourself and see if you will still ask this question.
You didnt answer her question. I use Young living and doterra which I know are safe to ingest. I dont know and what I want to know is Florihana safe for ingestion
Hi Ellen. The topic of ingesting essential oils is a highly debated one in the essential oil community as you may or may not know. When I was a member of Young Living, ingesting essential oils was highly promoted. After doing my own research I discovered that ingesting essential oils can be dangerous and there have been many people who have had very bad reactions. I personally have ingested essential oils and still continue to do so but I think that is a decision each individual person needs to make on their own. There just has not been enough medical research done in regards to ingesting essential oils to conclusively say one way or the other.
Now as far as whether or not Florihana essential oils are safe to ingest, the answer is a little complicated. Florihana does not label their oils safe for consumption the way DoTerra and Young Living does but that is a whole other discussion as to whether DoTerra and Young Living should be labeling there oils that way knowing the lack of research that is available in regards to ingesting essential oils.
If someone has come to the conclusion that ingesting essential oils is safe then I would tell them to be absolutely certain that the essential oil does not have any known adverse effects from ingesting (some essential oils should never ever be ingested) and the oil is completely unadulterated and 100% pure, which Florihana essential oils are. I personally ingest Florihana essential oils. Based off of my research they are the same quality as DoTerra and Young Living if not higher quality. And Florihana provides GC/MS testing reports to their customers to prove the quality of their oils which Young Living does not.
I’m sorry the answer is not as simple as yes or no. But I hope that kinda answers your question. I will have to write an entire post soon in regards to ingesting essential oils because I still have a lot more to say. But this comment is getting way too long…..lol.
Hi Bee. I’m sorry, I somehow missed your comment. I just replied to Ellen who had the same question as you. You can read my reply above. I hope you will find my response helpful!
I had not heard of them before this! Just a note you should check out Jade Bloom also!
I’ve never heard of Jade Bloom. I’ll definitely be checking them out. Thanks!
Have you tried Revive Essential Oils? I like their oils and they offer free shipping and the prices are affordable.
Thanks for this article. I have recently discovered the world of essential oils and chosen Florihana oils purely intuitively, as I am looking for opportunities to order here in Europe, where I live. Your article is like a breath of fresh air and I agree with every word you write.