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DIY Pimple Roller Blend with Essential Oils

Banish blemishes fast with this DIY pimple roller blend with essential oils. It’s filled with acne fighting essential oils. It is 100% natural and only takes a few minutes to make!

I began transitioning to a natural living, toxin-free lifestyle a few years ago and my skin has changed so much in that time.

I used to have really oily skin that was prone to blackheads and break outs. But thanks to the oil cleansing method and using natural skincare products, I don’t have those skin issues anymore.

Although, I do still get a pimple from time to time. But that’s no big deal because this DIY pimple roller blend banishes blemishes super fast!

And the best part is it’s 100% all-natural and it only takes a minute to make.

But before I share the recipe let’s talk about which essential oils are best for pimple-prone skin.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure statement here.)

I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before using essential oils on children under 5 or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Please do not ask me for medical advice. Click here to read my full disclaimer.

The Best Essential Oils for Pimples

I love to incorporate essential oils into my skincare routine. They provide so many amazing benefits. The essential oils below are great to have on hand if your skin is prone to breakouts.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree oil has been shown to reduce acne. It is also believed to be useful at killing bacteria and fungi.

You can check out several studies done on tea tree oil and its skin healing benefits here and here.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is absolutely amazing for the skin. It has been proven as an antimicrobial and testing has shown it can improve many different skin conditions.

Check out the scientific study here.

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass essential oil has natural astringent properties which makes it a perfect, all-natural, spot treatment for pimples. It’s one of my favorite essential oils for zapping zits!

Lemon Essential oil

Lemon essential oil can help fight inflammation that can contribute to acne and breakouts. It can also help kill bacteria that can get clogged in pores and cause acne.

Pimple Roller Blend Ingredients

This pimple roller blend is super easy to make and you only need a few ingredients. You’ll need a 10ml glass roller bottle and the ingredients below.

Lemongrass and tea tree essential oil are the essential oils that work best for me in this roller blend. If you don’t find them very effective you can switch them out for lavender or lemon.

How to Make Pimple Roller Blend

Simply fill the roller bottle with witch hazel (leave a little bit of room for the essential oils).

Use a dropper or funnel to add 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Next add 5 drops of lemongrass oil.

Replace roller and cap and shake gently to blend well.

When making this pimple roller blend (and any other diy that requires essential oils) it is very important to use high quality, pure essential oils.

I love Florihana essential oils and I use them quite often. If you’re not familiar with Florihana essential oils you can check out my full Florihana essential oils review.

I also regularly use Plant Therapy and Simply Earth essential oils. 

Simply Earth has a monthly essential oil subscription box. If you are not familiar with Simply Earth or their recipe box you can check out last month’s box here.

If you decide to buy from Simply Earth you can use the code HAPPYHEARTFREE to receive a $40 Simply Earth gift card with the purchase of your first subscription box.

If you order now with the code above you will receive the recipe box, a big bonus box plus a $40 Simply Earth gift card, all for $39.99!

How to use Diy Pimple Roller Blend

To use this DIY pimple roller blend simply roll the roller blend on the affected area. Allow to dry completely.

And that’s it. Easy peasy!

Make sure you only apply to clean, make-up free skin. You can use the pimple roller up to three times a day.

If you decide to use lemon essential oil you’ll need to avoid direct sunlight. Lemon essential oil is phototoxic and can burn the skin when exposed to direct sunlight.

I like to always have this roller blend on hand. The moment I feel a pimple trying to break through I apply this blend and it takes care of it real quick.

If you decide to give it a try let me know how it works for you!

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