How to Cure a Cold Fast

Curing a cold quickly is a common goal, especially when symptoms like a runny nose, sore throat, and fatigue disrupt daily life. While there’s no definitive cure for the common cold, several strategies can speed up recovery and alleviate symptoms. Learn how to cure a cold fast with these simple and natural tips and tricks.

A woman lying in bed sick with Kleenex in her hand and medicine on her nightstand.

Over the years, I’ve become somewhat of an expert on preventing and treating the cold and flu.

I used to get sick constantly, and whenever I got sick, I would stay sick for a ridiculously long time.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2018, and that definitely solved the mystery as to why I was constantly getting sick.

Since then, I’ve been trying to heal from Hashimoto’s naturally. You can read this post—My Hashimoto’s Story: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Healing Journey, to learn more about that.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure statement here.)

I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice. Click here to read my full disclaimer.

Because of my weakened immune system, I must be extra proactive during the fall and winter months.

You can read this post—How To Not Get Sick This Cold & Flu Season, to discover all the ways I try to keep myself and my family healthy during the cold and flu season.

Although I do everything possible to stay healthy, it doesn’t always work, and I still get sick occasionally.

Whenever someone in my home gets sick, it’s my number one priority to get them better fast!

Whenever I used to get sick with a cold, I would literally have it for months, and it would take me an entire week or longer to recover from the so-called 24-hour flu.

Thanks to the methods below, I’m usually only sick for a few days after catching a cold or the flu—and I have a compromised, weakened immune system!

How to Cure a Cold Fast

Below are my favorite ways to get over a cold or the flu fast. Not only are these all low-cost or free methods, but they are also all natural!

1 | Stay Hydrated

When you are sick, you lose a lot of fluid in your body, usually due to high fevers, which can cause dehydration. Dehydration can also be a major problem if you are vomiting or have diarrhea.

Dehydration can cause you to become sicker and prolong the length of your illness. So make sure you drink a lot of water whenever you’re sick.

If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, you should replenish your electrolytes with an all-natural electrolyte drink like this one.

2 | Take Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is an herbal supplement known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Oil of oregano is also rich in antioxidants, which can help bolster the immune system.

By neutralizing free radicals, these antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress, which supports the body’s natural defense mechanisms against infection.

Oil of oregano is available in capsule form or liquid form.

It’s awesome stuff! Check out the reviews on Amazon!

3 | Drink The Flu Bomb

The flu bomb is an all-natural, tea-like drink containing antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

The flu bomb helps strengthen your immune system and shorten the duration of the common cold or flu.

It can help clear your sinuses, relieve congestion, and soothe a sore throat as well.

It can also help to alleviate nausea and vomiting.

You can read this post—The Best Natural Cold & Flu Remedy: The Flu Bomb, to learn all about the flu bomb and how to make it.

If you want to cure a cold fast, the flu bomb is your answer!

4 | Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been proven to help boost immune function. This study found that vitamin C exerted a multitude of beneficial effects on the cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

I try to avoid synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and prefer to take vitamin C derived from natural food sources. This is my favorite vitamin C.

It is a 100% natural form of vitamin C that is made from organic camu camu extract and organic acerola cherry extract.

5 | Consume Elderberries

Elderberries are the fruit of the elderberry shrub. They are a rich source of antioxidants known as anthocyanins. 

Elderberries are loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. 

Elderberry is an extremely powerful and healing herb with many medicinal properties.

Some studies suggest that elderberry extract may provide virus-fighting, immune-stimulating, and anti-inflammatory effects. You can purchase elderberry in syrup or gummy form.

You can also make your own homemade elderberry syrup. You can read this post—Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe, to learn how to make it from scratch.

6 | Use Immune Boosting Essential Oil Roller

Essential oils help to “boost” the immune system by fighting infections alongside it and supporting it.

Almost all essential oils are antiseptic to some degree. But some can also inhibit viruses, fungi, or bacteria—or all three!

It is also believed that some essential oils can actually stimulate an immune response.

I created an essential oil roller that is made up of the most powerful immune-boosting essential oils.

You can click here to get the recipe.

Roll the essential oil roller blend onto the spine and the bottoms of the feet multiple times throughout the day to boost your immune system and get over a cold fast.

7 | Drink Bone Broth

There’s a very good reason why people suggest eating chicken noodle soup when you’re sick. It’s because the broth is rich in minerals and amino acids. 

Drinking bone broth can help improve digestion, fight infection, build muscle, and reduce joint pain and inflammation throughout the body.

I recommend you make it yourself (here’s a great recipe) or purchase a high-quality, premade bone broth. Most store-bought bone broths are jammed-packed with all sorts of toxic chemicals and preservatives.

Click here to learn more about the health benefits of bone broth.

8 | Diffuse Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine in which essential oils are inhaled to experience the wellness and therapeutic benefits of the essential oil, and an essential oil diffuser is the perfect device for doing just that.

As I previously mentioned, some essential oils are great for immune support, and diffusing immune-boosting essential oils is an easy way to boost your immune system.

Read this post to discover the best immune-boosting essential oils.

9 | Get Rest

Do not underestimate the power of rest. Rest is absolutely essential if you want to get over a cold fast!

I know it’s hard, especially if you’re a mom, but you have to get rest. If you really want to cure a cold fast, get as much sleep as you possibly can.

Sleep allows your body to produce more antibodies and immune cells, like T-cells, which can help fight off viruses, including those that cause the common cold.

Also, during sleep, the body enters a state of repair and restoration. This includes repairing tissues that might be damaged by the cold virus, helping you recover faster.

Rest doesn’t just include sleep; it also means taking a break from any strenuous workout routine or physical activity. I know that can be hard to do sometimes, but your body will thank you!

10 | Take Echinacea

Echinacea is a perennial plant. It has a complex mix of active substances, some of which are believed to be antimicrobial. 

Echinacea also contains alkamides, which affect the immune system. It is thought to enhance the immune system’s activity by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are crucial in fighting infections.

You can take echinacea in pill form or drink echinacea tea.

11 | Reduce Stress

Reducing stress is one of the most important, if not the most important, thing that you can do to get over a cold quickly.

Chronic stress triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol, which can suppress the immune system’s effectiveness. When stressed, your body’s ability to fight off infections is reduced, making it harder to recover from a cold.

By reducing stress, your immune system can function more efficiently, enhancing your ability to fight the cold virus.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, while there’s no instant cure for the common cold, taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the duration and severity of your symptoms.

Prioritizing rest, staying well-hydrated, nourishing your body with immune-boosting foods, and using natural remedies can help your body fight off the virus more effectively.

I hope these tips help you learn how to cure a cold fast! If you have any suggestions about how to cure a cold fast that isn’t already on this list, please share them in the comments below!

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