10 Amazing Benefits of Saffron

Saffron is an incredibly healing spice that can boost your mood, fight inflammation, and more. Keep reading to discover all the amazing benefits of saffron.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. It is a powerful antioxidant with many health benefits, one of which is the ability to possibly treat depression.

Below, you will discover all the amazing benefits of saffron. But first, I wanted to share my personal experience with saffron, which ultimately compelled me to write this post.

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My Story

I have struggled with anxiety and depression for a large part of my life. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2018 that I began to overcome these mental and emotional challenges.

At that time, I embarked on my health and wellness journey. In an effort to heal naturally, I completely changed my diet and ditched the toxic products I had been using in my home and on my body, among many other changes.

You can read this post – My Hashimoto’s Story: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Healing Journey – to read about all the lifestyle changes I made that helped me to feel better and heal without any medication.

Not only did I feel better physically but also emotionally and mentally – until one day, I didn’t.

One significant part of my healing journey that is missing from My Hashimoto’s Story is the trauma work and nervous system regulation that I began in late 2022 – shortly after I had written that post.

Up until that point, I had been feeling amazing. But suddenly, old memories started to resurface. I began to have flashbacks about events that had occurred in my past.

These were things that I thought I had overcome, but in actuality, I had just stuffed them down and never truly dealt with them.

I genuinely believe now, after everything I have been through on my healing journey, that our emotional state is a potential root cause of many of our physical ailments.

As my body was truly beginning to heal on a physical level, it started to reveal these memories and hurt that had been done so that I could recover on an emotional level and, therefore, completely heal.

I found myself in what some call a “dark night of the soul.” This dark night of the soul didn’t just last a night though—it lasted 18 months.

This is a very complex topic, and I plan to share more about my experience in the future. But my main point is that I was in a dark place, and it was really scary.

I was doing everything right regarding my health—eating healthy, taking my supplements, spending time in the sun, etc. Yet I was plagued with these memories that just wouldn’t leave me alone.

I realize now that what was happening was for my good. You have to feel to heal. And my body was forcing me to feel these scary feelings that I had pushed down throughout my life so that I could heal.

I’m finally on the other end of that dark night of the soul, and I have so much that I want to share about it.

But for now, I will just say that the main thing that got me through it was just allowing it to happen – to feel all the pain and hurt. Just to let it happen and not try to run away from those bad feelings or numb the pain.

What also helped me was saffron.

I started consuming saffron about a year into this dark night of the soul experience. Within just a few days of taking it, I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I started to get these little glimmers of hope and joy. And I don’t think that it was a coincidence, especially after discovering how amazing this herb is and how it has helped so many people who are suffering from depression.

That said, I dont think saffron alone could have helped me through this experience. I truly believe I needed to feel the feelings and deal with my stuff.

But saffron was this little helper that helped me start feeling like myself again. It helped me feel like I had the capacity to deal with life again.

I’ve continued to consume it daily. It helps me have a better outlook on life and to see the good in my own life.

So, if saffron can help someone like me who was going through an intense time of pain and darkness, I 100% believe it can help those who are dealing with mood issues or unexplained sadness.

What is Saffron?

As I mentioned above, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. One pound can cost anywhere between $500 and $5,000!

That is because the harvesting method is very labor intensive. Saffron is harvested from the Crocus sativus flower. Each thread-like strand has to be harvested by hand.

It has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties.

Amazing Benefits of Saffron

Saffron is a unique spice with many amazing benefits. You can learn more about each health benefit below!

1. Boosts Mood

Saffron is sometimes called the sunshine spice, and for good reason! Saffron has been known to boost your mood and improve depressive symptoms.

A 2019 study found that saffron was more effective at treating mild depression than placebos.

Another study found that it was just as effective at treating depression as common prescription treatments.

2. Relieves Anxiety & Stress

Through its anxiolytic properties, saffron can also help to ease anxiety and calm nerves. It interacts with receptors in the brain to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

3. Improves Cognitive Function

Saffron has been known to improve overall cognitive function. This study found that it helped improve memory in adults with Alzheimer’s. It is believed that the antioxidant properties in saffron help protect brain cells from oxidative stress.

4. Boosts Libido

Saffron can also be used as a natural aphrodisiac. A 2019 study found that saffron helped to improve erectile dysfunction, sexual arousal, and sexual satisfaction.

A 2012 study found that taking 30mg daily of saffron helped to reduce sex-related pain and increased sexual desire.

5. Improves Sleep Quality

Due to its ability to ease anxiety and help you relax, saffron can also be used as an all-natural sleep aid. Many people use saffron to reduce their insomnia symptoms and improve their overall quality of sleep.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Saffron contains several powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can inhibit inflammatory pathways, which can help reduce symptoms associated with chronic inflammation.

7. Enhances Overall Skin Health

Saffron has many different skin benefits. It has been proven to protect against UV radiation, support wound healing, reduce hyperpigmentation, and more.

You can read this post to learn more about the skin benefits of saffron.

Saffron can be extremely beneficial for the skin when used topically. You can make a DIY toner, moisturizer, or face mask using saffron.

8-10. Additional Benefits

How to Use Saffron

Saffron can be used in many ways. Below are some of my favorite ways to use saffron.


One of my favorite ways to consume saffron is in capsule form. It is super convenient and provides a daily dose of saffron.

The only saffron capsule I have tried is from The Fullest. It is definitely pretty pricey. However, if you decide to buy from them, you can click here to get $15 off your purchase.

There are many significantly cheaper saffron supplements on Amazon, but I have never tried them. Because of their low price, I’m a little skeptical of their quality.

But some seem to have pretty good reviews – so who knows?


You can use saffron threads to make saffron tea. To make saffron tea, steep 7-8 saffron threads in one cup of hot water for a minimum of 15 minutes. The longer you allow it to steep, the better.

Then, strain the tea to remove the strands, and that’s it. You can add a bit of honey or mint to enhance the flavor.

You can also make cold tea. This is my favorite way to make saffron tea. Simply fill a large glass jar or pitcher with cold or room-temperature water. Add 7-8 saffron threads per cup of water.

Cover the jar or pitcher with a lid and leave it on the counter or fridge. Allow it to steep for at least 24 hours.

I have purchased saffron threads from The Fullest and from Amazon.

These are the ones I buy from Amazon.


You can also use saffron threads to make a saffron latte. Use a small pot to heat a cup of milk on the stove. You can use any type of milk you want. I prefer to use coconut milk. Add 7-8 saffron threads to the milk and allow it to simmer for 7-8 minutes.

Remove from the heat and add a little cinnamon and a splash of vanilla. Mix it with a frother, and that’s it.


Saffron has been used in cooking recipes throughout many different cultures. Adding it to your meals is a great way to experience its health benefits.

However, I haven’t used it for cooking at all because, to be honest, I am not a big fan of the flavor.

But if you want to try it, below are some recipes you might like! They all actually look really yummy!


One of my favorite companies, Organifi, recently released Happy Drops, which are essentially saffron gummies. They contain 30mg of saffron per serving, as well as ginger, passionflower, and gotu kola.

The flavor is great, and I definitely notice an improvement in my mood whenever I take them.

They can be purchased directly from Organifi or on Amazon.

Where to Buy Saffron

I buy saffron threads from The Fullest and Amazon, saffron gummies from Organifi, and capsules from The Fullest.

You can find all different kinds of saffron products on Amazon. But with that being said, there are many low-quality and even “adulterated” saffron products on the market.

As I mentioned several times, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, so if the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. You can read this article to learn how to identify real saffron.

Well, I hope that all these amazing benefits of saffron, as well as my personal testimony, inspire you to give it a try. I know it is pricey, but when it comes to our emotional and mental well-being, I think it is worth the splurge.

Please let me know in the comment section below If you have any questions or comments.

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