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DIY Oil Cleanser For Oily Skin

Want to completely eliminate your oily skin? Try this DIY oil cleanser for oily skin. It completely transformed my skin and it’s 100% natural!

DIY oil cleanser sitting on piece of wood next to pink washcloth

I am a huge fan of the oil cleansing method. I’ve been doing the oil cleansing method for a few years now and my skin has never looked better.

And ever since I posted the ultimate guide to oil cleansing I’ve been getting a lot of requests to share my personal oil cleansing recipe that I use almost daily that completely eliminated my oily skin.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure statement here.)

I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your doctor before using essential oils on children under 5 or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Please do not ask me for medical advice. Click here to read my full disclaimer.

So I thought I would go ahead and share the recipe. But before I do I wanted to give a few disclaimers.

First of all, oil cleansing doesn’t work for everyone. For some people, it can actually make their skin worse.

So if you are brand new to oil cleansing I highly recommend you read my oil cleansing guide to decide if it’s right for you.

Also, it can take 30 days or more to see a significant improvement in your skin and your skin make go a little haywire trying to adjust to this new way of cleaning if you’ve never done it before.

I personally never experienced any major negative side effects when I transitioned my skin to the oil cleansing method but I’ve definitely heard stories from people who have.

I would be extra cautious if you struggle with cystic acne. The oil cleansing method has been known to make it worse but it has also been known to completely heal it as well. So just keep that in mind.

There is also a lot of debate about whether or not the oils used in the oil cleansing method actually clean the skin.

Some dermatologists say they don’t at all and other dermatologists say they do. Specifically referring to castor oil. So who’s right?

To be honest, I don’t know. But what I do know is the oil cleansing method completely transformed my skin for the better.

I dealt with excessively oily, blackhead-prone skin for over 10 years. I also had very large pores.

Before trying the oil cleansing method, I had tried absolutely everything. And nothing worked!

The oil cleansing method completely fixed my skin. No more blackheads. I rarely get pimples. My skin is completely in balance. Not too oily. Not to dry.

And one last thing. This recipe is specifically for oily skin just like the title says. Not dry skin. Not acne-prone skin. If your skin is something other than oily this oil cleanser is not for you.

I recommend you read my oil cleansing guide to find oil recommendations for your specific skin type.

Okay, on to the recipe!

DIY Oil Cleanser For Oily Skin Ingredients

You’ll need to gather the following ingredients to make this DIY cleanser for oily skin.

Castor Oil

Sweet Almond Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

You’ll also need a container to store your DIY face cleanser. I use a 4oz glass dropper bottle.

When purchasing carrier oils make sure they are of the highest quality. Use 100% pure, organic, cold-pressed, unrefined, hexane-free carrier oils whenever possible.

And when choosing your essential oils make sure they are 100% pure.

There are many essential oil companies that sell high-quality essential oils. I used to use Young Living oils exclusively but I just couldn’t afford to use them anymore.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover several brands that sell amazing, high-quality essential oils at very affordable prices.

I love Florihana essential oils and I use them quite often. If you’re not familiar with Florihana essential oils you can check out my full Florihana essential oils review.

I also regularly use Plant Therapy and Simply Earth essential oils. 

If you decide to buy from Simply Earth you can use the code HAPPYHEARTFREE to receive a $40 Simply Earth gift card with the purchase of your first recipe box.

If you are not familiar with Simply Earth or their essential oil subscription box you can check out last month’s box here.

If you order now with the code above you will receive the recipe box, the big bonus box plus a $40 Simply Earth gift card, all for $39.99!

Homemade Oil Cleanser Recipe

To create this homemade oil cleanser for oily skin simply add the following ingredients to your container.

Attach the lid and shake gently to blend.

Person holding diy oil cleanser

How To Use DIY Oil Cleanser For Oily Skin

To use this oil cleanser just add about a dropper full of the oil cleansing mixture to your hands and gently massage it into the skin.

Work it gently into the skin for a few minutes.

Then you’ll want to get a clean washcloth wet with hot water, ring it out, and drape it over your face to allow the steam to loosen up the dirt and bacteria.

Once the washcloth has cooled down use it to wipe off the oil from your face. Make sure to remove ALL the oil.

If you have a lot of makeup on you may need to repeat this process 2 or 3 times. 

The first few times just to remove the makeup and the last time to actually cleanse the skin.

A Few More Things

If this oil cleanser dries out your skin or makes it more oily you may want to adjust the amount of castor oil. Reduce it if your skin gets too dry. And increase it if your skin gets more oily.

But remember it can take up to 30 days or more for your skin to fully adjust to this cleanser.

A 4oz bottle usually lasts me about two months and I haven’t had any issues with it going bad during that time. Just be sure to store it in a cool, dark place.

And also pay attention to the expiration dates on the carrier oils you use.

I really hope this oil cleanser works for you. I was super hesitant about sharing this recipe because what works for me might not work for you. But I really, really hope it does!!!!

Let me know in the comments below if it works for you 🙂

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